The Future of AI in HR

The Future of AI in HR

Artificial intelligence is employed in a variety of industries to automate processes and provide insights. It can also be used to aid in making decisions. It’s not unexpected that AI will revolutionize HR. AI will play a significant role in HR functions whether it’s screening resumes or automating performance evaluations.

In the end, it’s crucial for HR teams to keep up-to-date with latest AI trends. However, Todd Raphael, Head of Content at SkyHive suggests companies keep a healthy distrust of AI solutions that claim to cover all. Instead, he suggests that companies focus on AI tools that provide specific and relevant benefits to the company’s HR operations.

For instance, AI can automate onboarding tasks like paperwork management as well as orientation schedules and initial training by creating personalized employee onboarding experiences that increase the chances of retaining employees from the beginning. Additionally, AI can monitor employee support calls and emails to identify the root of employee issues, reducing the time to respond and improving overall efficiency.

It’s also changing learning and development (L&D) programs by identifying skills gaps of employees and recommending training courses and monitoring progress to ensure that employees are on the right path. In the same way, AI can help HR managers prioritize employee recognition programs and personalized feedback surveys, which allows them to evaluate the level of satisfaction of employees more efficiently.

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